- Tickets are one for $20 (maximum of 400 tickets available), or three for $50 (maximum 150 packages (450 tickets)) for a total of 850 tickets overall.
- Minors 13 and over are eligible to purchase tickets with the consent of their parent/guardian/trustee. If a winning ticket bears a minor’s name, the prize will be lawfully delivered on behalf of the minor to the minor’s parent, legal guardian or trustee.
- Raffle Administrators, VIWPS Directors and Raffle Volunteers are not eligible to win prizes. Tickets can not be bought on their behalf.
- Winners must provide first name, last name and mailing address to purchase tickets.
- Raffle tickets are non-refundable.
- Raffle tickets are not eligible for tax receipts.
- Ticket purchases must be completed by midnight PST May 11.
- Electronic draw takes place at on May 12th, 2021 at 7 PM via Zoom. The link is posted on the main page.
- Attending the draw is NOT a condition of winning or claiming a prize.
- A single ticket can only win one prize. Tickets drawn will not be re-entered for subsequent draws.
- Prizes are awarded as drawn. No substitutions or cash equivalency will be negotiated between VIWPS and the winner.
- Winning ticket number and winner’s name will be posted online at http://viwps.ca following the draw. VIWPS will contact winners directly within 10 working days.
- Prizes must be claimed by the winner within 30 days of the draw. If the selected winner does not claim the prize within 30 days of the draw, VIWPS will retain ownership of the prize.
- Photo identification and a signature are required to claim a prize.
- Arrangement to collect prizes will be done after receiving proof of residency, verifying photo ID and receiving a signature.
- Shipping prizes will be at the winner’s expense. COVID restrictions may delay prize delivery.
- Complaints/Issues will be resolved by the board of VIWPS if necessary.
Odds of winning are nineteen (number of prizes) in eight hundred and fifty (tickets) – 19:850 or 2.24 %. The more tickets you buy, the more you can win.
BC Gaming Event License # 128468
Full government regulations on this Class B raffle can be found online at https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/sports-recreation-arts-and-culture/gambling/licences/rules-licensed-charitable-gaming.pdf